Thursday, February 15, 2007

No longer Boy, Now a Marine

Daredevil enlisted in the Marines today.

I have so many mixed emotions about this. I am proud of him. He has turned into a fine young man. He made this decision on his own. He didn't discuss it with me prior to doing it. He is a man. He made a life altering, responsible choice.

But, I look into his shining, mischievious eyes and see my sweet but daring little boy. It seems as though it was just yesterday that he pulled up all of my freshly planted flowers and tossed them into the yard because I made him take a nap instead letting him help.

I am his mother. I have spent over 19 years protecting him. That is my job. From the time of conception when he was wrapped in the protective nest of my womb, I have pledged to take care, love and protect him. I spent sleepless nights holding him when he was sick. I have spent countless hours in emergency rooms making sure he gets the attention he needs. Somewhere through the years my protective powers have changed. I can no longer protect him. I can't protect his heart from breaking. I can't protect his ego. I can't protect him any more. He has become a man. He has pledged to protect me now. He has pledged to protect you, freedom, responsibility. I have done my job. Now, is time to sit back in awe and amazement at the wonderfulness he has become.