Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Florescent Light is not sexy

I have come to the conclusion that the interior designers at Victoria's Secret should be shot. The lighting in the dressing rooms suck. It makes your skin tone look horrible. If they want to increase their sales they should put bar lighting in the dressing rooms. They could serve drinks too. Soft dim lights and alcohol make you look so much sexier. I would definitely have bought some of the outfits I tried on the other day if that had been the case. But, with the florescent nightmare of cottage cheese thighs staring at me, I ditched the clothes. I hate trying on and buying clothes especially bathing suites and lingerie for exactly that reason. It was so depressing. I didn't feel sexy at all. In fact, I left there and went straight to Sports Authority and bought a new pair of roller blades. Now, for the warmer weather to show up.