I sent a good friend of mine the link to Bou's post on her boys version of the male antomy. She sent me the following story about the talk she had with her 8 year old daughter, "K". I asked her permission to reprint this. I just had to share it. It reminded me of the conversation I had last year with my boys.
I am right there with her, "K" had a "secret touching" talk
with me last night that included WHY it is important not to let
someone touch your body or hurt it cause (among a bunch of other
reasons) that it is special and when you are a grownup you get to
decide who you get to share these parts with (this was the book talking not me, LOL)...So, "K", when getting to that part sits back, looks
straight at me and cocks her head giving me 'a look' and says, Mommm, you don't do that do you??? *OHMYGOODLLORDDD*, "Well, uh, yeah, that's how babies are made". and "K": "you talk to dad about your Boobies, oh Gross mom". (What is she gonna think when she actually figures out what "sharing" means??????).LMAO!!! I was completely embarrassed, BUT I pulled through like a trooper and continued on with the book.
THEN, as we end the book I asked her if she understood why it was
important to never let anyone touch her without permission and how it
could hurt her etc.. etc... and she, said "Oh yeah mom, don't worry I
wouldn't let Anyone hurt my special parts, I like touching them
at 8??? I don't want anymore, This child gives New meaning to TMI !!!!
You just gotta love the honesty of children.